Last Friday my boss, Tim, and I were talking shop when he commented that he was going on vacation for two weeks. He was telling me how his dog sitter bailed on him and he was in need of someone to look after his dog, Roxy.
Ashton has been begging for a dog, so I thought this was an opportunity for Ashton to live with a furry friend for a couple of weeks. Plus, Tim needed help. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But, I love dogs and it's been years since I had one. So I couldn't help myself.
Roxy is a Great Dane and is considered a gentle giant. She's all black with a little white on her chest.
According to dogbreedinfo.com the origin of the bread is:
Incised on some Greek money dating back to 36 B.C. is the image of a dog very similar to the Great Dane of today. The Great Dane is known as the "Apollo of all dogs." In 407 A.D. German Gaul and part of Italy and Spain were invaded by an Asiatic people (the Alans) who brought with them powerful mastiff-like dogs. In Germany especially, where these magnificent animals capable of overcoming bears and wild boars were much admired, a process of selective breeding was begun. The dogs were crossed with Irish Greyhounds, and the issue was the beautiful, large, thin, agile dog known today as the Great Dane. Despite the fact that they are called Danes in English, these dogs have nothing to do with Denmark. Some of the Great Dane's talents are tracking, watchdog and carting.
Tim and his wife, Amy, dropped off Roxy Sunday with all her food, chew toys and even a bed. The poor girl was very nervous and Marc, the boys and I tried our best to make her feel at home. Her first night away from home was hard, so I slept on the couch to keep her company.
Today, she was home alone. And like in the movie, we came home to find a mess. Roxy had shredded her bed to tiny pieces. Thankfully the furniture was spared, but now I'm worried she'll turn her attention to them.
I'll keep you posted.