Ron outside his home in Floral City,Fl 6/8/08
We made it safely to the small town of Floral City where we spent the night at Central Motel. We arrived late, around midnight. Marc and John had several hours of beer drinking in their system. Gene and Racquel arrived a few hour after us due to a minor detour on I-95 instead of taking the Turnpike as directed caused by a reliance in Gene's internal sense (or lack of) of direction and turning off their GPS. It didn't help that Racquel hasn't learned Women's Rule # 52.22: Never fall asleep when a man is driving, you know where you're going better than he does.
We all had a restful, but very short nap brutally disturbed by the sound of the motel wake up call. The crew got ready and met with Christine and her dad, Ron, at a local restaurant, Jeanette's Little Restaurant, that opened early just for us. Ron has the hook-up at the 9 table restaurant.
After breakfast we drove through the beautiful winding road lined with magnolia trees, Spanish moss oaks and wild turkeys looking for a meal...or becoming one. The crew went right to work....OK, they went to work. I looked for a cool shaded spot to sit my big butt in while waiting for the medicine Christine got me for my coughing to take affect. I'm praying the coughing doesn't get worst.

The crew consisted of:
John and Marc on the roof disconnecting the house from the main electric off the pole.
Marc hard at work sweating as he kicks electrical butt Saturday.
Gene working on the new electrical panel inside Ron's home.
Of course after a few minute, Marc realized he didn't bring a few essential thing for the job. So it was a trip to Lowe's, which Racquel and I did turn on the GPS system to find.
Once at Lowe's all went smoothly thanks to a very nice employee who new the difference between 1 1/2" LB and 2" Compression Bushing, several phone calls from Christine adding other items to the list and a sense of humor.
Flash forward a few hours and we're all done...OK, their done. Thanks to the crew, Ron can enjoy electricity without the use of several extension cords or fire extinguisher just in case.
Thank you all so much for your help. You will never know how much it means to my Dad (Ron) and also myself. It shows how friends and family still do come together and help each other out. Kudos to you all.
Taimy the pics from Ron's house were great. I want to thank everyone that made the trip. It was great to see us work together. You guys are the best
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