We've been enjoying Roxy (with the exception of the pillow eating, door scratching, window screen ripping, dog hair everywhere).

One of the things we've been enjoying are our trips to the local dog park. And she's enjoyed getting out of the house to sniff some dog butt. She also runs around when she's not sniffing butts. (Why do dogs do that?)

The challenge has been fitting Roxy and our three boys in the back seat. It's impossible. Thankfully, either Ashton or the boys (Austen and Dalton) haven't been with us when we've taking her to the park.
Roxy is BIG. When standing on her two hind legs she's taller than Marc (not that he's very tall 5'5, although he says he's 5'7, which I don't believe it).
But, we managed to accommodate her in both Marc's Corolla and in my Passat.
Did you rent a VAN yet?
no, but it's a good idea
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