Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This must be the most beautiful snowflake I've ever seen, but can't afford.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Vote Starting Today!

Early voting started today, so I'm encouraging everyone to go out and VOTE.

Don't wait for Nov.4th to vote. There are lots of early voting sites for you to go to all over South Florida. At there's a map with the polling locations.

Why should you vote?

It's your duty as a citizen of the United States to vote.

Whoever you vote for has the power to alert you life, so don't you prefer to put someone in office you believe in?

You can't complain about what's wrong in this county if you don't vote.


You feel good afterwords.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Super Heroes x 3

In a world full of corruption there can only be three heroes who are capable of saving the world from the evil.

Super Austen

Spider Dalton
Batboy Ashton

Friday, October 17, 2008

Welcome Kayden Cristopher Ivey to the World

Friends Belinda and Karsten are the proud new parents of
Kayden Cristopher Ivey, a healthy 7lbs 3oz boy.

Photo by Sarah Dussault

Gram & Abuela's Daytona Getaway

The End

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

McCain or Obama for President

After watching three debates between McCain and Obama and the vice presidents candidates I still am no closer to choosing how to vote for on Nov. 4th for President.

Who the is Joe the Plumber?

I'm not Joe, but I am a voter who is scared out of her mind for the future of the economy, her job, the value of her home and the war in Iraq.

The presidential endorsement commercials for Obama and McCain is basic mud slinging that doesn't tell me what either candidate would do if they become president. It's divisive and just basic dirty politics.

What I do believe and want a president to believe in as well are:

I'm Pro-Choice ... not that I agree in abortions because I don't, but I do believe in a person having a choice and control over their own bodies.
I believe in a right for anyone to marry anyone else .. straight or gay.
I believe in universal health care for all.
I believe that if you're rich, you should pay more in taxes than those of us who are not.
I believe we give to many countries to much money that should instead be investing in our own county.
I believe that we should begin to pull out of Iraq in a responsible time frame and send more troops to Afghanistan to hunt down those who ARE responsible for 911 attacks.
I don't' want BIG government.
I believe in the right to bare arms in a responsible and regulated manner.
I believe in diplomacy.
I want open communication and travel with and to Cuba.
I want an end to embargo with Cuba.

There's a lot more things I believe and want ........ given what my beliefs are ....
Who should I vote for?

My Favortie Holiday -- It's Not Christmas.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.

Pumpkins, costumes and all the haunting decorations thrilled me as a child and still does today.

What I love about Halloween is the escapism of the holiday. It's the one day out of the year that you can transform into someone else.

As a young child I guess Planet Of The Apes was a popular costume in the 70s. This is me in my ape costume trying to be scary. Not sure if I accomplished it?

But, when I became a teenager, Halloween was a chance for me to express my exotic side as a belly dancer. I must have worn this costume for about three years in a row.... no joke. I had this costume custom made for me. And, I loved it.

I remember begging my mom to let me go out to Club Nu on South Beach in the late 80s to a big costume party they had every year. My cousin Maria, her best friend, Hector, and I all had fake IDs. Maria and Hector were several years older than I was, but we all loved to dance and the Halloween Party at Club Nu was the place to be on fright night. "Pleasssseeee mami", I would beg and she always gave in with the one condition that I had to go to school the following day. Of course, I never went to school the next day. But, that never stopped me from promising and it never stopped her from saying, yes. Those Halloween Parties are fresh in my mind and they were a blast.

Now I enjoy the holiday through my kids. Watching them pick their costumes pretending to be ninjas, cowboys, and lions thrills me. Watching them ask for candy door-to-door makes me laugh. "Trick or treat Halloween give me something good to eat," sings the boys with candy bags opened at the doorsteps of our neighbors homes. All of it tickles me.

There are few days left till my favorite holiday. We still haven't gotten Ashton a costume and I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to go trick-or-treating with Austen and Dalton this year. But, I'm sure all the boys will have a blast on my favorite holiday. And I'll enjoy every second...

What should Ashton be this Halloween?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ashton's B-Day Party at Gram & Papa's House

Here are few snap shots from Ashton's Birthday Party at Gram & Papa's house on Sunday.

Here are few snap shots from Ashton's Birthday Party at Gram & Papa's house on Sunday.

Family and friends joined us to celebrate Ashton's 4th birthday with a big water slide, lots of pool fun, hot dogs and a Batman cake.

Thanks to Gram & Papa for the party, Austen and Marc for the yard work (more Austen than Marc) and all of Ashton's family and friends for making it a special day.

Happy Birthday Ashton!

Happy Birthday Ashton!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ashton Will Always Be Our Baby

Ashton is growing up fast.

It feels like yesterday that Marc and I brought Ashton home from the hospital.

We were so happy. Ashton was a beautiful baby.

I fell in love with Ashton the first time I saw him in the operating room. Every time I think of that moment I cry of the love that swells in my heart. It's almost painful.

Ashton is growing like a weed, experiencing and learning new things by the minute.

I can't wait what the next four years of his life has in store for him ... and the 14th year, and the 24th year ...extra.

But, no matter how much he grows, learns how to drive, has his first kiss, moves out of the house, or gets married and has kids of his own..... Ashton will always be my baby.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dreaming of Snow

It's been raining all week and the weekend isn't going to look any better. Hopefully it won't rain for Ashton's party on Sunday.

To escape from all this rain I've been getting lost in my recollection of our ski trip to Steamboat, Colorado in January.

The snow was as soft as baby powder. They call is champaign snow.

It was cold, but a wonderful escape from the humidity and heat of South Florida.

The boys had a fantastic time sking and snow boarding.

We're all looking forward to next years trip. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, but I sure hope so.

Thanks Gram for making it happen.

Here are a few shots of the trip.