After watching three debates between McCain and Obama and the vice presidents candidates I still am no closer to choosing how to vote for on Nov. 4th for President.
Who the is Joe the Plumber?
I'm not Joe, but I am a voter who is scared out of her mind for the future of the economy, her job, the value of her home and the war in Iraq.
The presidential endorsement commercials for Obama and McCain is basic mud slinging that doesn't tell me what either candidate would do if they become president. It's divisive and just basic dirty politics.
What I do believe and want a president to believe in as well are:
I'm Pro-Choice ... not that I agree in abortions because I don't, but I do believe in a person having a choice and control over their own bodies.
I believe in a right for anyone to marry anyone else .. straight or gay.
I believe in universal health care for all.
I believe that if you're rich, you should pay more in taxes than those of us who are not.
I believe we give to many countries to much money that should instead be investing in our own county.
I believe that we should begin to pull out of Iraq in a responsible time frame and send more troops to Afghanistan to hunt down those who ARE responsible for 911 attacks.
I don't' want BIG government.
I believe in the right to bare arms in a responsible and regulated manner.
I believe in diplomacy.
I want open communication and travel with and to Cuba.
I want an end to embargo with Cuba.
There's a lot more things I believe and want ........ given what my beliefs are ....
Who should I vote for?
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