Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to the Real World : Bummer

I'm missing Steamboat badly. The glow from being on vacation is now gone after two days at work, so it's back to the real world. Bummer. Yet, I'm trying to be positive.
Lots of things going on ...

Today is Austen's birthday. He's turning 11-years-old. Next year he's off to middle school and soon he'll be driving. We should all be scared.

Ashton last week started soccer. Tonight is his first soccer practice. He needs it because at his first game he kept grabbing the ball with his hands and scored a couple of goals, but in the other teams goal net. He might need to stick to skiing.

I'm trying to wake my butt up early to go to the gym after I drop the kids at school, but before work to get it over with early. So far I went to the gym, Sunday and Monday, but failed miserable (Ashton and I over slept) on Tuesday and today. But, I can't give up. The two days I did exercise I felt great. Who wants to bet I'll start going more often?

That's what's going on.... what's happening with you all?

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