Gene and Racquel have been dating for more than a year. Their love story started with a few clicks of their mice and taps on their keyboards. In the world of
cyber space filled with billions of people looking for love, Gene and Racquel where blessed to find each other. Their love has grown ever since that the day they met online.

Racquel is a beautiful,
intelligent and a joy to be around.
Gene is, is, is ..... very special.
Together they make a great couple.

Gene last weekend proposed to Racquel in the air as they flew over the words, "Will You Marry Me" spelled out on the beach bellow (thanks to Dennis). She said yes (thank God) making Gene the happiest man on earth that day (except for Marc who's always happy to be married to me).
The House family wishes you both success in your marriage. Congrats.
You need to learn how to spell. Thankgod you are photographer. Lol
I know .. it's a weakness of mine I strugle with all the time. But, at least I give you nice things to look at?
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