Saturday, May 31, 2008
34 Years of Marriage - Congrats!

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Many Faces of Ashton

Lion Prince

Spider Man
Ashton is addicted to face painting. Spider man, Lion Prince, Dragon .. he's working his way through all the different painted faces he can before resorting to his own skin. He's also become an expert in the art of face painting. He can spot the fakes from a group of clowns ready with paints and brushes. No way can I or anyone else fool this kid. Did I say he's an expert.. yes, I did. Well, he proved that to me back in January.
On our sky trip to Steamboat, CO. we went to a concert to see and dance to the music of Milkshake. Very popular band among the 2-4 year-old. (I like them too) Before the concert began there were different activities for the kids. Coloring station, balloon animals by Dot the Clown and face painting.
Ashton zeroed in on face painting like bugs to light. "I want Spider man," said Ashton jumping with excitement. We headed to the table where kids and parents waited in line to transform into princesses, dragons, lions and Spider man.
But, when we got to the table I knew I was in trouble. It was Girl Scouts doing the face painting. Ashton could sense something was different. Where were the middle aged clowns? Why were these young girls wearing brown uniforms with badges instead of big, colorful dotted outfits with giant red shoes? His face showed his worry, but I was optimistic. Why would these girls be doing this if they didn't know how to face paint?
So, I sat Ashton in the chair and he asked for Spider man. The pimpled ponytail girl was mortified and the smile that greeted us vanished.
"Can you paint a Spider man?" I asked. "Sure," she said.
She loaded her brush with red paint and began.
First a red circle on one cheek.
Second some black lines on the red circle on one cheek.
"OK, you're done," she said as she handed Ashton a mirror.
He was shocked to see what looked like a red basketball more than a Spider man face.
I braced for the worst and it came in a tsunami of screaming and crying.
"This isn't Spider man," he yelled as he violently threw himself on the floor so hard his shoes came off.
I was embarrassed, but calmly scooped him up, held him tight and carried him outside to cool off. His older brother quickly followed with Ashton's shoes.
By the time he calmed down his tears had washed away any sign of red and black paint on his tiny cheeks.
He looked at me with a serious face and said, "Mommy, that wasn't a Spider man face."
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ashton is Swimming

Monday, May 26, 2008
Baby Quinten

Meet the newest addition to our family, Baby Quinten. Saskia & Mandy's baby boy born May 13th is absolutely beautiful. The new parents are doing great and handling parenthood like pros. Ashton and I were in love with Quinten as soon as we saw him. Marc, on the other hand, isn't into babies. "Call me when the kid can ride a dirt bike or throw a football," said Marc.
Ashton's first look at his cousin. "Mommy, I want a baby," said Ashton. And, although seeing, holding and smelling new baby brought out my instinct to reproduce. I quickly said, "No". Marc followed with a "Hell, No!"

This morning when we arrived at Saskia & Mandy's home Mandy was changing Quinten's diaper and getting him dressed for the day.
Mandy must have put three different kinds of creams:
1. Diaper rash cream on his butt ... Check
2. Vasoline for his private part (better know in our house as his "pee-pee") ... Check
3. Baby cream for his dry new skin that's pealing ... Check
He applied all of them with care and expertise of a new dad. But, as you can tell by the picture above, Quinten had enough. He was well lubed up by the time I got a hold of him. I was worried he was going to slip out of my hands. My worries were for nothing. Quinten fit perfectly in my arms and I was as happy as a pig in mud.
"I want to hold my primo Quinten," Ashton kept on saying during the two days we were at the Rodriguez home. Thanks to Lola distracting Ashton, I had a lots of turns holding Quinten. I was happy to see that Saskia & Mandy were happy to share their precious gift with us.

We're all very proud of Saskia, especially her mother visiting from Holand. Her mom said Saskia wasn't feeling well the day before she delievered Quinten. And her mother's instinct was that Saskia was going to give birth soon. Well, she was right and the next day Quinten was born. He is doing great. He's eating every 3 to 4 hours, sleeping through the night and crys only when he needs to be feed or changed.
Mandy is a proud dad. Loving every minute with his son.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Wonderful World Of Disney
Ashton in Norway at Epcot
Ashton & Taimy in Norway trying to look like natives.
Marc on the marry-go-round in The Majic Kingdom
Ashton all smiles as he rides his colorful horse on the merry-go-round at The Majic Kingdom.
Thanks to our friend Christine and Madison for rolling out the welcoming carpet and giving us a place to stay. Her home is welcoming and warm filled with lots of love.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Memorial to Our Fallen Heros
The Boys of Summer
Summer is a time for the kids and parents to disconnect from the daily grind of school, homework, soccer practice and school activities. This year is going to be harder. With the economy so crappy, we may not be able to afford taking a big family trips.
But, what's great about living in South Florida is that you always have the beach. And it's FREE.
We're digging in our drawers for our bathing suits (that some of us don't fit in ..will have to buy new one), dusting off our snorkels, masks and fins, packing lots of sun screen and getting ready to lay back and relax under the beautiful sun. (ok, more like hide under an umbrella from the hot sun and running into the ocean as our feet get burned)
What are you doing his summer?

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Why are we so scared of change?
At some point we need to get our heads out of the bucket and start playing in the sand box with the big boys.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Looking Back

I wished I was still a photographer out on the streets connecting with people through my photography. I miss being able to be a part of other peoples' lives even for a few hours capturing moments in time that make readers pause, think and, hopefully, evoke an emotion.

Monday, May 19, 2008
and once you have a baby
you wish he's sleep in another room.

If you don't know what to do,
just look it up in the manual.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
When you're sitting in the kitchen at 3am
warming formula and crying with the baby
because only one of you wants to sleep,
just remember that this is still
the best thing you've ever done.

Dedicated to the newest mothers in our family: Saskia & Lindsey
Growing Up Fast
Old pictures of them document the changes that on a daily bases we take for granted.
I remember when I saw Austen graduate from daycare at Memorial Hospital in Hollywood, Fl. He had a big smile as he walked in line from the stage wearing his cap and gown headed to elementary school without fear. He's in fourth grade now and doing great! Recently I notice Austen is on the road to becoming a young man. He has hair growing over his upper lip and soon he'll be shaving. He's also as tall as I am. I'm 5'3.
My baby boy Ashton Jack. I remember bringing him home from the hospital and spending weeks looking at him for hours thinking, "I can't believe he's my son". Marc spent the first month changing his diaper and helping me learn how to care for a baby...thank God for Super Dad. Now, I can't imagine my life without Ashton. He no longer looks like a baby. Ashton more and more looks like a young boy. He's learning how to play golf (a little Tiger Woods) and how to ride a bike without training wheels.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Golf Lessons

Ashton's all smiles at his second golf lesson.

The guy is crazy riding around picking up golf balls while Ashton's hitting. WATCH OUT!

His little swing needs some help.

Our little Tiger Woods in the making.