Meet the newest addition to our family, Baby Quinten. Saskia & Mandy's baby boy born May 13th is absolutely beautiful. The new parents are doing great and handling parenthood like pros. Ashton and I were in love with Quinten as soon as we saw him. Marc, on the other hand, isn't into babies. "Call me when the kid can ride a dirt bike or throw a football," said Marc.
Ashton's first look at his cousin. "Mommy, I want a baby," said Ashton. And, although seeing, holding and smelling new baby brought out my instinct to reproduce. I quickly said, "No". Marc followed with a "Hell, No!"

This morning when we arrived at Saskia & Mandy's home Mandy was changing Quinten's diaper and getting him dressed for the day.
Mandy must have put three different kinds of creams:
1. Diaper rash cream on his butt ... Check
2. Vasoline for his private part (better know in our house as his "pee-pee") ... Check
3. Baby cream for his dry new skin that's pealing ... Check
He applied all of them with care and expertise of a new dad. But, as you can tell by the picture above, Quinten had enough. He was well lubed up by the time I got a hold of him. I was worried he was going to slip out of my hands. My worries were for nothing. Quinten fit perfectly in my arms and I was as happy as a pig in mud.
"I want to hold my primo Quinten," Ashton kept on saying during the two days we were at the Rodriguez home. Thanks to Lola distracting Ashton, I had a lots of turns holding Quinten. I was happy to see that Saskia & Mandy were happy to share their precious gift with us.

We're all very proud of Saskia, especially her mother visiting from Holand. Her mom said Saskia wasn't feeling well the day before she delievered Quinten. And her mother's instinct was that Saskia was going to give birth soon. Well, she was right and the next day Quinten was born. He is doing great. He's eating every 3 to 4 hours, sleeping through the night and crys only when he needs to be feed or changed.
Mandy is a proud dad. Loving every minute with his son.
1 comment:
Mandy & MOM congrats on the new one. beautiful baby, you must be very proud!!!!!!!
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