The boys have started to take golf lessons at our local aquagolf range (this is where they hit balls into a lake with floating targets). It all started when Papa infected Ashton with the golf virus. Since than we've been taking all three boys to hit balls, but only recently have they begun taking lessons. Dalton and Austen enjoy hitting anything with a stick and are good at it. But, Ashton Jack is crazy about it. Plus, he has talent (I know ... he's your kid, so of course you're going to say that). The golf pro says Ashton gots talent and if he sticks with it could do very well. I sure hope so, my retirement is resting on him being the next Tiger Woods. We can only dream.

Ashton's all smiles at his second golf lesson.

The guy is crazy riding around picking up golf balls while Ashton's hitting. WATCH OUT!

His little swing needs some help.

Our little Tiger Woods in the making.
nina [BLUE] hope you enjoy all the excellent pix Taimy posted !!
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