I'm still alive and kicking, although a bit beaten up and shaky.
I'm not ready to go public with the reason, but lets just say it's very personal and life changing. The kids, Marc or I are not sick. But, our family dynamics are changing. I pray it's all for the best, but right now I'm just torn up inside about it.
Life loves to throw you fast balls and this one has hit me in the gut. But, like all good athletes know ... when your down or have lost a game, you pick youself up, learn from your mistakes and move forward always keeping an eye towards winning the next game, concouring the next race or just doing your best.
I'm trying hard to do my best in life. My wish list is simple:
Health and Happyness for my children and family
Peace in my life
Success for the people I love and for myself
To have people around me that love, respect and charish me for who I am
I have other wishes big and small, but these are on the top of my list.
What are some of your wishes in life?
What do you do to pick yourself up after you fall in life?
I was reading your wish list a few times and to comment on two of your wishes, I wanted to let you know that peace will return into your life. It might not feel like it right now, but in time it will. You will always have people around you who love you(very much!), respect and cherish you for who you are.
You are a wonderful person Taims, we know that in time, which ever way your life will go, things will be ok.
We love you!!
Thanks Saskia
As everyday passes I'm feeling stronger by the minute. Truths about my life are being unvailed giving me the strength and encouragement to move forward rebuilding my life with Ashton in a healthier, stronger,peaceful and more prosperious direction.
With my family, friends and God by my side I know that I'll always rise to the top.
Miss you, Mandy and Quinten.
Love Always
I know with out any doubt you will not fall , your too strong of a person . you the entire house family behind you!!! PAPA
I'm standing strong and, although, I know I'll have moments of weakness the House and Rodriguez family are here to support and help Ashton and I. Thank You and Love You Very Much
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