The boys and I have started to prepare for Hurricane Ike possibly coming our way and causing some serious damage.
Sun Sentinel reporter David Fleshler reports on SunSentinel.com, "The hurricane is four days away from striking Florida, and that means the cone of uncertainty remains wide. People in Fort Lauderdale or West Palm Beach should not take undue comfort from the current track, forecaster say. And although the storm is small, it is powerful.
'It has the potential to be a major hurricane on landfall,” said Michael Formosa, a meteorologist with the National Hurricane Center. “It’s serious. It’s dangerous.'"
So Marc, Austen and Dalton fulled up the generators and cranked them up making sure they were all in working order.
Now we wait and see what happens. Sunday we'll decide if we need to put shutters and plywood up on the windows. I'll have to go into work, while Marc stays home with the kids.
I'm praying to the weather gods that Ike misses us. Please feel free to pray with me as well.
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