Leah is one of my oldest and dearest friends. We met at the University of Florida where I was studying Photojournalism and Leah was studying to be an Aerospace Engineer (I think).
After a few years at UF, Leah decided to change paths and go back home to Albuquerque, New Mexico to study Languages. She became a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines, met and fell in love with Juan Carlos Escobedo, married and on March 27th had a beautiful baby boy, Jacob.
Born at 3:16am at Albuquerque Presbyterian Hospital
Height 21 inches
Weight 7 lbs. 15 oz.
I haven't seen Leah in years. The last time we saw each other was during one of her over night layovers in Fort Lauderdale when Ashton was only a few weeks old. He's now going to be four in October, so it's been a few years ... way to long.
Now I have the opportunity to travel with Ashton to see Leah, Juan Carlos and their newest addition to their family, Jacob.
I had planned to go in a couple of weeks, but due to a travel restriction my trip must be delayed till a weekend that's best for Leah and her family.
I'm very excited and can't wait to see the Escobedo and Salazar families. Plus, Ashton will get to see a new state and city.
I hope to pass on my love for travel and adventures to Ashton. He's already loved to ride on planes and trains. He's been to Orlando, Daytona, Steamboat Colorado and in a few weeks .. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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