The new Sun Sentinel logo .... looks like a super hero should be wearing it on her chest.
The Sun Sentinel (we dropped the hypen) has re-invented itself from the front page all the way to the back in hopes of gaining new readers. Younger readers that normally wouldn't have time to read a newspaper.

Hit readers with a 2X4 is what our new owner wants us to do, so our design team has worked hard to do just that.

Quick Hits ... giving just the facts
Lots of visuals .... mostly cut out photos
Magazine style

Part of me likes the changes, but part of me can't help but worry that we'll loss our daily, over 50-year-old readers by not giving them more stories starting on the front page. I worry that all the color and cutouts will turn off readers looking for more.

The success of the paper can't just be about making it look good. It needs to be all about the CONTENT.
We need to make people want to read us by giving them hard hitting watchdog news about corruption in government, crime in our cities, giving voice to those who don't have a voice. All the great qualities journalism is rooted in. Without CONTENT we're eralivent no matter how wonderul we look.

Our photo staff will continue to do quality photojournalism with little resources, a smaller staff and motivation that we need to give our readers CONTENT.

I pray that all of these changes work. For my future at the Sun Sentinel and for our readers.

What do you think of the new look of the paper?
What do you look for in a newspaper?
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